Who is Anamul Haque ?
Anamul Haque is an Bangladesh cricketer.
What is the date of birth Anamul Haque ?
Anamul Haque is born on 16 December 1992
What is Anamul Haque age?
Anamul Haque age is 31 years, 10 months, 10 days
Where did Anamul Haque born?
Anamul Haque is born in Kushtia, Khulna, Bangladesh
Which cricket teams has Anamul Haque played for ?
Anamul Haque played for
, Bulawayo Brave Jaguars
, Comilla Victorians
, Durdanto Dhaka
, Khulna Tigers
, Quetta Gladiators
What is the Anamul Haque jersey number?
Anamul Haque jersey number is #66 (National Side)
Last Updated: September 15, 2024