Who is Wayne Parnell ?
Wayne Parnell is an South Africa cricketer.
What is the date of birth Wayne Parnell ?
Wayne Parnell is born on 30 July 1989
What is Wayne Parnell age?
Wayne Parnell age is 35 years, 6 months, 22 days
Where did Wayne Parnell born?
Wayne Parnell is born in Port Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Africa
What is the nickname of Wayne Parnell ?
Wayne Parnell nickname is Pigeon, Parny
What is name of Wayne Parnell Wife?
Wayne Parnell wife is Aisha Baker
Which cricket teams has Wayne Parnell played for ?
Wayne Parnell played for
Durham Cricket
, Khulna Tigers
, Pretoria Capitals
, Royal Challengers Bangaluru
, Seattle Orcas
, South Africa
Last Updated: September 08, 2023