Who is Maheesh Theekshana ?
Maheesh Theekshana is an Sri Lanka cricketer.
What is the date of birth Maheesh Theekshana ?
Maheesh Theekshana is born on 01 August 2000
What is Maheesh Theekshana age?
Maheesh Theekshana age is 24 years, 1 months, 14 days
Where did Maheesh Theekshana born?
Maheesh Theekshana is born in Colombo, Sri Lanka
Which cricket teams has Maheesh Theekshana played for ?
Maheesh Theekshana played for
Barbados Royals
, Chennai Super Kings
, Jaffna Kings
, Joburg Super Kings
, Morrisville Samp Army
, Northern Warriors
, Rangpur Riders
, Sharjah Warriors
, Sri Lanka
, Trinbago Knight Riders
What is the Maheesh Theekshana jersey number?
Maheesh Theekshana jersey number is #61 (Sri Lanka)
#61 (Chennai Super Kings in IPL)
#61 (Chennai Super Kings in IPL)
Last Updated: November 01, 2023